Hey All
Yes that's right I;m back. Sorry for the long delay in getting back to writing here. I don't even know how to begin to tell you what's been keeping me away. Mostly it's time. When I get up in the morning I have little time to eat someing for so called breakfast (at like 10:30am), then read and watch a little t.v., then I have to go up and shower and get dressed for work, then eat a light lunch, which acts also as my dinner, then leave at 3:00pm to go to work. I know what your saying, instead of reading use the computer or instead of watching t.v.. Well my answer to this is simmple everytime I have tried to do just that it's taken longet for me to get through my e-mail and send responces then I have to run and shower or my old computer (I still have windows 98 everyone, don't laugh too hard) crapped out with my browser and I had to like pull it up like 3 times just to get through all my e-mail because it crashed on me. So it ends up taking longer and the time I would use to write here is now gone and I have to get running.
So you see things are a bit tight. When I am up earlier then normal it's useally because of something else and I'm not in the mood. I'm back today because my husband, the wonderful Dr. X has been tinkering with my computer recently. He installed more memory and wipped my c drive and got rid of a lot of crap my dad had left behind that he never wipped and in the process found that netscape came up with a new version 8.1 from the 8.0 I was using that really didn't run well on my machine and installed a different one. He still has more memory and a viedo card to install which he says will help my computer process the pics on the web sites and my backgroud and leave the memory open to run the stuff I need so it will all go a bit faster, which lets face we all want sped when it comes to our computers and pulling up web sites. So I decided to get back to my blog after all this time because I finally have a computer that won't crash on my in the middle of typing and then have to start over.
Not much has gone on really. My job is making changes and all the monagement and supervisors and trying to make it out to be like the greatest thing ever, but those who have been there a long time (my self included of course) feel they are ripping us off. They are starting this pay per peice program and sometimes the stuff I'll do will be based on a base pay which is decided by what teir your placed in and the other stuff is paid per item. So it effecs me some of the time and over all will affect the pay I take home. Now as I am sure your all aware can't really happen. That's why I stay at this crummy job for to begin with because my pay is pretty decent and I've been there so long now that it's not worth leaving. However I am now afraid that if at the upcoming teacher recruitment day I don't land interviews from dropping off my applications and what not and land a teaching job I don't know what's going to happen. So we are just in a wait and see mode and hopefully it all works out in the end. That's all I want really.
I have been subbing, though not as much as I would have liked. Now that the weather has broke and calls come in I am hoping that I will be able to get to more of them by the end of the year.
I have stopped taking books out of my local library only because I haven't had any titles that I want to place on hold and pick up. So I would have to go in and pick out books, but I have some wating at home that I want to read and take care of so it was a nice break. I will however resume going back again I am sure. I just don't want to pressure of due dates on me right now.
Anyway it's been like an hour so I need to sign off and get doign something.
Mrs. X