Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Birthday Update

Hey all

Well my husbands birthday went ok. Of course the usual nightmare problems that seem to hover over me insued. The things I ordered for his birthday didn't show up in time. Well correction, two things showed up in time, but they were the gifts for my brother and sister to give to him, not mine or my parents. Of course that day was also hampered with my husband coming downstairs and kicking the coutch and coursing because his only pair of jeans have worn a hole that would split any second into a huge one if not repaired. So the day was off to a bad start, but worked out ok in the end. He was upset because none of his friends came to visit. Most didn't even call. I hated seeing him upset by this, but there was nothing I could do.

On his last day off Monday, we made a trip out to Syracuse early to go shopping for new paints for him and again the internet failed us. It pulled up another big and tall store location that doesn't exist anymore. So we spent 3 hours (up and back) in the care for nothing only to have him have to go on line to order some clothes. It never ends.

I am still bummbed out because no schools have called me to for interview and the one I did the phone interview for must not have liked my responces, though I don't know what I would have to say to make my answers better or whatever they needed to be to land a damn job already. I hate this year after year of disapointment in not landing a teaching postion for the upcoming school year. It just makes me feel like I went to school for this for nothing. I spent two years of my life devoted to getting a masters degree and it's gotten me no further then before I had one. I know I still needed to get it, but this is a hard blow to accept. If anyone out there in this big void can offer any suggestions it would be great.

Mrs. X

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