Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hey All

Well today was another fruitless attempt at landing a teaching job. The one school of the many that I applied to (most not local) responded yesterday to do a pre-interview phone interview. When I called them back they were not available and didn't call me back today (which I think was on purpose), so I called them. I did the phone interview and like most people who do interviews didn't let me know one way or another by tone of voice or anything if interested or not. Basicly she told me when we were done they would be in touch if I was chosen to come in for an interview, but tone of voice told me that I can probably kiss that goodbye. Who knows I could get lucky this time around. The last school who I interviewed with last week was so intent on me showing up for the interview the principal stated he's write me a note to my night job so I could make it in. However, I didn't make it past the first round as only 2 were goign to move on to the next round , which would have been an interview with the supperindendant. So I am not holding my breath. I have to make time sometime soon and call the schools I sub for and let them know that again for the 4th year in a row I am still available for them.

As you can tell I am very pissed about the situation. I was mean to someone who read my resume on line and called yesterday asking me if I was interested in a sales postion. I was on the phone and maaybe having to rush around (more on this in a min) and she calls I didn't even pay attention to where she said she was calling from. So when she asked if I had time to talk and I said pretty flat-out "NO" she seemed a little hurt so I toned it down a notch and asked if she was calling about a teaching postion. When she said no it was a sales postion I said "If it's not about a teaching postion I am not interested" and hung up on her.

The reason I was running around is because my husbands birthday is coming up as you all know and I had to go shopping for him while he wasn't around and he's off after today for the rest of the week. Which sucks for me in a way because that means all the little things I do to go about my day will be interupted and I won't be able to go about doing things the way I do most days. In any case shopping was a disaster. The Wal-Mart didn't have anything I wanted to get or most of what I wanted to get so I had to rush back to my parents ( I went shopping with my Mom) and had to order everything on line. It's not even going to be here in time because it most will ship and may be delivered by Friday, but who knows. So all this running around I could have saved myself and just did it from home. Oh well.

My family dog had follow up vet appointment today. He's doing much better then when we first took him in, but he lost weight instead of gaining it. Which is weird seeming how he has been eating a lot since he's gotten back from his operation. They removed most of his teeth because they were loose or rotting and were going to fall out anyway and he had started to bleed all over my parents house. So that's why we took him to the vet in the first place. So we'll see.

Anyway that's all the time I got for today.

Mrs. X

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