Tuesday, April 23, 2013

More news !

Surprise !! 2 blogs in 1 day.  However had to share that that today was a  big, big  day writing wise !!! I am thrilled with it so far. Can't wait to get some time to type up and edit it with my good and locally (where she is) famous friend who has been so great throughout all the times I've been working on this with helping me edit. Even though we don't get to see much of each other since college staying in touch has been the best thing that could have happened to me. Her successes drive me to continue to work toward my gold when I might have given it up and listened to the nay-Sayers. Even though I also decided on a dedication for my book, the only person I'd acknowledge on the acknowledge that would be in it would be her. She's been my rock during all the years I've been slowly getting this together. If not for her encouragement this project and dream would have died a long time ago. Everyone else mostly has been either indifferent or treated it as a passing fad or just something else I'd never complete. That along with the above mentioned friend are the driving forces behind me. As sick and tired as I felt all day, I was energized by the pages completed. Helped me get through the day. Now it's time for a quick shower and early to bed. Night all !!

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