Saturday, April 13, 2013

Yet another update

   Just in case anyone is interested, by time I left work last night I was @ a pivotal scene in my book. The lead in to the "Big Breakup". Once this part get written, the twist occurs and then the it's the end. I am excited that it's nearing completion. I really just can't wait to have the words "The End" be penned and for the world to be able to have access to something that's only been mind and 1 other person for all this time. Then it's on to the next project. Believe me I have enough started that if I ever get to finish them and get them published there would be a bunch of books out there @ book stores with my name on them. Which would be wonderful to see.
   Of course just had a set back in the progress of the book. I just found that a Saturday's worth of typing up what was hand written and saved on a portable drive and had originally thought to have been saved to my computer can not be opened at all and had been deleted off the drive.As it was my husbands and had only borrowed it for that day and didn't want to keep it on there once given back. So just a tiny set back, but annoying to say the least. Though not as upset about this as I could be as it's only about 5 pages that are missing and there is so much that needs to be typed anyway, it's not that big of a loss.        

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