Hey all !! It's going to be another non productive day @ work tomorrow, which means less pay for me per hour because we get paid per our performance. This week hasn't been good in that area. At least Momday night when I got out of work My husband was outseid in his car waiting for me so he can move his car. Yesterday we had a snow storm and I had nicely told him not to bother waiting for me because if I drove slow (which I did) I would get home later then normal and instead of keeping him waiting all that time I said I'd get up this morning. Have it be the day of the week that I take my turn getting up (not that I ever wake him up usualy out of a deep sleep because he's up normally that late anyway, not like him who wakes me out of a dead sleep to move my car @ 5:00 am, but he's big on turns with this). So this morning his alarm goes off @ 4:30(even though he wasn't goign to work as early as he usually does) and that wakes me up, then I am finally getting back to sleep and he's waking me up to move the car, though he hasn't cleared them or started them yet. It snowed and they needed to be brushed off and warmed up, why not wait till after to wake me up??? Anyway I call tonight because I have things to do tomorrow that I need to be up for to be able to do and he doesn't answer. I call again an hour later and again he doesnt' answer but I leave a message. Come home expecting him to be out there and come home to find the light to the computer room still on and him no where to be found. He's alsleep in bed becaues he ate something that upset him and he got sick. for @ lest 2 hours he had been sleeping. I wake him up to find out what's wrong because he would never just up and leave the light on like that. He tells me he was sick I am standing there in my coat hoping he'd say lets move the cars and he doesn't. So then I am talking to as I am changing becaue it's apparent he's not going to move and we are talking a little and I say I guess your waking me up again then? and he says guess so. I said that's not fair two days in a row. I have stuff to do tomorrow and need to get rest not get up in the middle of my sleep time and then try to go back to sleep and then get up later then I want to and not end up being abel to do what I need to do. He says what's not fair is all the times he does it. I say well I don't wake you from a dead sleep your up usually anyway, your the one who wants to go in so early it's crazy and it woudl be fair is I was asking you to stay up or get up from a dead sleep, but because I don't where is it fair??
Now tomorrow is going to suck, I am going to be really tired, not want to get out of bed @ around 9 or 9:30 to get ready to do whta I have to do, I will be totally dead tired before I get to work that I won't do well (because on top of being tired already from this morning it will be two in a row) I'll never make it through work with doing well performance wise, which results in less pay. Then if he even moves his car this week I'll be so tired I'll be playing catch up the rest of the time and I have to work this Sat and longet then I normally do. So to get through the rest of the week I needed to not get up. This is crazy. I can't go all winter doing this. When it's bad out and I drive home slow and get home late, I can't be nice and say don't worry about moving the car.
That's the one thing I hate about this new house. The parking just sucks. There is no little jut for me to park my car out of the way of his or vice versa. I don't like asking him to do that.
I don't want to think that I think all bad things about my husband. I dont. I have said it many times that he's been helpfull this past week and that it's been wonderful to do things the way we've been. It just stinks that this parking thing has got to mess everything up. I can't unwind the way I want to from work because I have to worry about getting to bed earlier then I would because I know he's going to wake me up, I can't do what I want during the day because I feel so tired out I dont' feel like doing anything and before I know it its' time for work and I don't work as good as I should. It's just not fair. I know it's part of being married and life, but man I don't wake him from dead sleep and make him come out to move the car. Even when I did tonight he didn't even offer, didn't even cross his mind. When I am over tired I get cranky and over react to the stupidest things. That's when other fights start that wouldn't. Anyway I rambled enough. I will go now because I would like to read fo ra moment before having to force myself to bed before it gets too late.
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