Thursday, May 30, 2013

Angry Writer

Hi all !

     This writer is ANGRY !! Not at anything, but herself. She had a chance to type up some stuff today during her lunch, but had an issue with the batteries and not being able to save what was typed today. Not even stuff that was typed up over the weekend that I posted about. Hadn't gotten a chance to sync it to my computer. Now I lost everything and have to re-due everything I had done. I am so frustrated with myself. I hate re-doing work I had already done. It's just a waste in my eyes. I just hate myself when something this stupid happens that I could have prevented. Oh well back to the work. Got to make up for all this lost progress I had made :-(

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Hi all !!

       Yes it was a holiday weekend, but what better time to make use of not having to go into my steady job to get some writing done?? Answer none. So this holiday weekend this writer actually did work. Worked on typing up more of Reunion and typed up one other story tentatively titled Alone.  I did not get as much typed up as I hoped, but every little bit brings me closer. I also worked on ideas for my kickstart for when the time comes. Got to make some calls soon regarding out of pocket costs to see what amount my kickstart would have to be. Hope to have all your support once it goes up !! 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Not sure

Hi all

   Yes this is aptly titled. There are no many things this is the answer to going on right now. I hate that in the middle of turmoil and fears of what the future holds, that time to do things like write or stew over these things have to coincide Of course these things fuel a creative side in me and might make me be able to write move to complete my story instead of just typing it up. Though it is a necessary evil to type up what I have already written, it does make it a pain to do double the work. Though by doing that it does cause me to have to review and tweak things already, then editing will be easier later.

    As I have found my audience slipping away, I worry that interest in my book may falter or not even exist. I am struggling to hold on to any shred of happiness I can find right now. This slip in audience makes me feel even worse as it makes me scared that once I finish this book, there will be no one who cares enough out there to try and help get it interest. I want to generate buzz about it now and keep up that excitement as well published authors I know are doing with their blogs or web pages. As this is the only medium I can use to get info out to the masses at this point, it is depressing that no one has joined to follow this blog or posted comments about the 1st chapter that was posted awhile back. I beg as I am going through what might be one of the most difficult times and I turn to writing and completing my project regardless of what is going on personally with me, I need to know the support is out there. Please view the blog with the chapter, post comments, READ any of my blogs and let me know the support is out there as I need that during this time.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A smattering of things

Hi all !!

   Today it's all about a bunch of things. First, I want to say I am feeling better. Most of the poison ivy is gone. It's hot and sticky here so it's trying to make a come back, but for the most part it's cleared up. Thankfully without getting everywhere like it did last year. Second, I am embarrassed to say I gave up on Tess for now. It took me too long to get through only half the book and yesterday I wasn't in the mood for heavy, so I started a different library book instead. Not saying I won't go back to it or finish it or that I didn't like it. Please don't misunderstand. It is a very interesting book and I have enjoyed what I read so far, however, it is very heavy and you can only read so much of it before your brain (or maybe just my puny one) starts to hurt and you have to put it down. I will get back to it and finish before it has to go back. Just wanted something a little more lighthearted that I can read quickly for the moment. Third, I didn't get to type up more of my book, but the program and what I typed up so far are working wonderfully. Who knows where or how much faster I can get it done because now it can travel with me. I can set it up anywhere that has a flat surface and don't have to use a memory stick or by tied to just the room my computer is in. Love the mobility !! I know others out there have cell phones that could probably do this or tablets, but I don't have tons of money for either fancy device. I have a cell that works for what it is intended to be used for. It's simple, but good. My parents have a tablet, but without wireless access it wouldn't matter if I used theirs. So using the technology that was good enough back in the early 2000's and still works just fine, I am quite content at the moment. Please keep good wishes about the project coming, as I hope interest picks up and stays so when I set up my kickstart, it gets lots of hits and donations. Any ideas on what should be offered to those to donate certain amounts would be great as I have no idea.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Great weekend

 Hi All !!

    What a great weekend !! Got housework done (probably not as well I could have), but found time to read and do some writing.too !! Surprisingly as much cleaning and laundry (thanks to my poison ivy) there was to do, it got done in great time (thanks to my husband's help) and I was able to make time to get other things done. I got more pages typed up on my pda, so I didn't have to just stay attached to my computer. I got reading done too. Yesterday it was a rainy day and after Mass, did some laundry and got even more pages typed up. So there are 60 pages typed up. Of course there is only some edited. I haven't added chapter breaks either after a certain point, so I got to do that too. Though it's nice to know that there are still tons more written that need to be typed up and will be able to now seamlessly be able to do that. I can't wait !! I don't know if it will lead anywhere, but I am not above giving it a serious try. Soon kickstart will have to be made. Don't know what to put up to get donations, but well see. I think it will be signed copies of the book, maybe a lunch with the author. I don't know, more ideas will come, but I think I'll be ready soon. This is all so exciting !!! I am finishing something that was years in the making and completing a new years resolution for the first time. I hope it all works out.  

Friday, May 17, 2013

This writers is so happy !!!

Hi all !!

      Well this writer is extremely happy !! The word program my husband bought me for my pds come finally !! What's even better is it works like a charm so far !! I couldn't be more happy. I now have a word program I can use on it and get my written stuff typed and at least get my other ideas typed up too and get them started so I can always have them with easy access. No more notebooks to have to lug around and hand write if I don't want. So even though this poison ivy is kicking my ass AGAIN, I can't help but be happy right now.

       I also have to say I read Rebecca and it was a very good book. I can't wait to try and catch the Hitchcock movie on TCM @ the end of this month or in early Aug when they play it. I want to see how well it's adapted from the book.I am now reading Tess D'uberville. It's going slow as Thomas Hardy is hard to read though quickly. I have to say it's one of the good things that came from reading the 50 shades trilogy. The main character Ana has read and mentioned these books and quoted from them, which peaked my interest the last time I listened to the audio books of the series. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't have probably read these two books and would have missed out on some wonderful literature. Hope to get more read in Tess tonight. Busy day ahead tomorrow. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Hi all !!

       Well here we go again. A replay of last summer. For those of you not in know, I had poison ivy last summer for the first time ever. It turned into a bad case spreading from my arms to then basically being  everywhere. The meds the doc prescribed that was supposed to help, didn't help @ all. I had 2 doses of it before it finally helped and started clearing up. During that time it was about 100 degrees and I had to wear long sleeves as keeping sun off it helped it from spreading. Showers were cool (which wasn't a problem as it was so hot out).

         So to make a story short, found a few spots on arm and thought it was under control. Found 1 spot on the other arm. Keep those few spots covered and thought it was all. But yesterday @ work I saw a spot that was in a prime spot to hit the edge of my desk and irritate and spread. Got that covered and saw spots showing on the other arm too breaking out. So I got bandages on them and look like a mummy, but will keep it from getting all over my clothes and getting back on my. I think some tank tops I had worn last summer might have ended up with it on it and now that I might have worn them again now trying to get things clean quickly and have to get the script for the meds again :-( and had to take off yesterday from work to get all the bedding washed and have to be careful of what I wear right now. It's all a GIANT PAIN. I  can't believe I have to go through this again. At least it's not full on summer, but still.    

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Well and not so well

 Hey all !!

    Things went well for the party I wrote about the other day. My parents were genuinely surprised and I think pleased with the whole thing and the gift. I am so glad for them and that we could do such a wonderful thing for them. Only wish that certain people would have had a better time or kept quiet about things to not take the damper of a wonderful night. Oh well can't have everything I guess.

    Eagerly awaiting the program for my pda so I can write easier. It's had to been delayed in being sent till this week so hopefully I'll have it soon and installed. Got to go through my word documents and start clearing out old papers and the like that no longer need to be on my computer as it's running very slow and almost full of memory. So someday soon got to do that on top of other things.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A bit of family happiness

Hi all !!

    Today this is going to be a personal blog. Today, in my family we celebrate a wonderful milestone that most do not get to do in this day and age where everyone is so hot to get divorced and switch spouses they are switching shoes, today is my parents 50th wedding anniversary. There has been only 1 other couple in my family that I can recall that celebrated this milestone. That was my grandparents on my Dad's side. I still have the picture that my aunt had done of them to celebrate that occasion on top of my computer desk where I can see it everyday. So you can see how important this day is to me.

     In all the years growing up where there big fights and talk of divorce, I didn't think we'd make it to this day. However, as I grew older and gotten married myself, I can see how hard they worked to make sure that, despite the things that happened back then, they stayed together. Without seeing that and having them as an example to fight through the petty arguments, or even larger ones and not let them eat away @ the love that brought u together in the first place, I would have given up on my marriage or even never had gotten married in the first place. They are the best people I know. They support their children in all their endeavors and only want what's best for them.They are there without question, unflappable in their resolve to give only the best to us and give us what we need when we need it no matter the cost to them. I was blessed to be part of this family when God decided to surprise my parents with me 8 years after their last child had been born and they had thought they were done with children. If I could have chosen my own parents, I wouldn't have chosen a different set. Not matter the petty family squabbles that occur in every family, the love they have for us got us all through tough times and still do. They are the best parents ever !! So Mom and Dad, to you, with great vigor, I say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !!!

   To celebrate this great moment in our family, we are having a party for them. Even though they don't know about it yet (shhh it's a surprise !!) I don't think there is any better way for us to repay them the great honor of being our parents.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Some exciting news

Hi all !!

   Not that I should be doing this as I haven't even finished the one book I should be focused on writing, however, ideas come when least expected. So it is with great enthusiasm that I announce to you, my on line audience, that I have had another idea for yet another story and have started notes and ideas about it yesterday as it came to me. So it is fiting that my horoscope states:

 "Cultivate a talent that causes you to stand out from the crowd. You are at your most empowered when you are free to follow your true heart and passionate interests today."

     So I am excited that my for once it and my real life are actually in sync (it occasionally happens) though I don't put much stock in these as mostly they are so not anything to pay the smallest attention to.I just thought that this was fitting as I was announcing my new idea.

     On another personal note: I still am disappointed to see that things haven't improved in my home town. Not that I expected an overnight change, but am disappointed that any local readers of this blog haven't tried to get in touch to try and see about getting involved in any way to make things better here instead of complaining about how bad it is. I'll be the first to admit there are things that we wouldn't be able to do unless we had some clout in some way, hence hoping to be published, but there are things we as citizens CAN do and if there are local readers who would be interested in talking about options, please comment and we'll see about things in another medium to get things started. I can't do this alone and for once I feel the need to really get involved and do something.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Writers Rant

I want to rant for a moment about my hometown and being a writer. I know we are a small city/town and can't have all the glitz and options of a big city. However, as a writer in this town there are no agents, or publishers in this area. Well there is one that you pay to have to pay them to have your stuff published. Though not necessarily a bad thing because my friend who helps me out did that with her book, but the lack of options or help in a budding writers quest to get published can be a real downer.

I have to say things are on a cusp of either going very bad or can start going back to up to where it used to be when I was growing up here. If I get published and get popular to the point where I can have some influence, things that my family and I don't like that's going on here can be helped. I really want to do some good here, but without the funds to run for any local office or without being well known in the area like those who can influence the way things are around here, I am at a stale mate. What I would do if I could get published and get popular, any chance I would get during a tour would be to bring attention for the need for change here and the urging of the people here to not let this town die. I just want my home, my family to be safe and have a safe place to grow. I don't want to have to split my family apart by having to leave. I also don't want to have to be a divorcee @ 37, not because my husband and i don't love each other, but because of where we live. I don't want to be alone at this age and start over again.

Things have gone on too far here. Time for action is now !! If it gets any worse there won't be any way to not leave. Got to get the support of all you on line people to make this happen. First by the support of this blog and your dedication to keep reading it, 2nd for support once I start a kick start to get this published and 3rd to actually reading my book, or more hopefully books when they are out. Please help this blogger who loves her family and home town the chance to get out there and make something of herself and make something of her town and give her family something they can be proud about and be proud of where they choose to raise her and live.

What a day

Yesterday I had to get blood work done and my veins didn't want to cooperate as usual. Got stuck 3 times in order to get enough blood to fill the tubes needed to run all the tests they wanted. Needless to say I am bruised and was uncomfortable last night. Sleep didn't go so well and woke up in tears around 5 am because the annoyance of the steady slight pain and lack of sleep. Today is no writing day as my brain will be functioning on just getting my job done. Not that I am happy about that as I am in a good part of the book that I really look forward to finally writing. The end is ever nearer and then just got to type and edit. Hope everyone who's been looking or reading will help support me in getting this published and out to the masses. I could use all the help I can get :-D

Monday, May 06, 2013

Doing a happy dance

My husband had the time off from work today and said something about my not working on my book lately. I reminded him I was really waiting on a word program for my pda. So he goes right on his computer and finds out how the company who made my pda went out of business back 10 years ago or was bought out or something. He finds something via e-bay (got to love that web site sometimes) that is a version of word  for the pda. Who knows if it will run or work with mine, but it's something and then hopefully I'll never have to hand write again. Though I must say on those slow days at work like today, it came in handy to be able to have the notebook right there to write, even if it's a word or 2 before the next call comes in.

Today was slow as I just mentioned so indeed I did get writing done today. Not too much and not sure how much of it is really any good. Got to see how it really flows once I get to editing it. At least I had time for the creative juices to flow today.

On another tangent I am enjoying Rebecca, though it's going slow. I am listening to Manfield Park, but Jane Austin as an audio book on my mp3 player and really am enjoying that, though I know that was a few centuries again, but I still can't get past the cousins marrying thing. Though it's written in such a way that you want to 2 to be together, but still cousins???  On that note I must leave you to watch Dancing with the Stars :-D

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Full of sunshine

Nothing about writing today. I must say that work has been quite busy and when it's not reading the classic Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier is taking up my time. Only on page 106 and have had it a week. Granted haven't had the time to read as much as I would like, but still. I am tryign to enrich myself by getting back into reading the classics. I just feel stupid that it's taking me so long to get through it.

On to the sunshine. The weather here has been perfect all weekend. Sunny and about 75 degrees. Today I worked in my garden. Weeded it and smoothed it and finally put a weed cover over it so only the flowers can come up and should keep back most of the weeds. Now need more dirt and more seeds to fill the rest of it. Love days like this when got Church out of the way early, got the yard work I wanted done out of the way and am proud that I did it. Now I just got the gift for the big event to finish and blood work to take care of during the week. Other than that maybe this girl can have some down time except for playing in the sunshine :-D  Loved taking my walk yesterday. Might do that again today too. It may seem silly to feel proud for working in the garden and getting it ready to plant and trying to grow beautiful flowers to liven up my back yard, but it makes me happy and me happy gets the writer in me going :-D Granted it's been hard to get focused back on my book, but this yard work that relaxes me will get back into the frame of mind I need for my characters to come and play.

Thursday, May 02, 2013


Well all, no new news on the writing front. Work has been keeping me busy so not able to get much done. Also still no palm word program as of yet so can't really use that either. Keep trying to remind my husband to look into it for me as I got too many choices and none seem to be what I was looking for.

On a personal front, things r ok @ the new job so far. At least I think so anyway. Got big life event coming up in the family that am very pleased to be putting together and being able to be a part of. Got a hair apt after work tonight and for once it's something I'm looking forward to doing after work. This week has been a crazy one with things going on before or after or in the middle of work that I have worn myself out. Can't wait to use tonight to relax some and have a nice new do for big event next week.